My To-Be-Read-Immediately List

My reading list is swelling with new titles that I want to read now. Not tomorrow, not even later today. Now.
The new biography of Leonard Woolf has been piling them on. There's the novel, Reuben Sachs (1888), by Amy Levy, about the sort of middle-class English Jewish family that Woolf came from. There are half a dozen books by Compton Mackenzie including The East Wind of Love (1937) and Sinister Street (1914); E C Bentley's Trent's Last Case (1913); and Ruth Dudley Edwards' Victor Gollancz (1987.) I'm ignoring my increasingly urgent need to read Woolf's autobiography and a couple of his other books.
I have Arnaldur Indridason's Jar City (2000), a Reykjavik thriller, which rose like cream to the top of the list on the recommendation from dovegreyreader. I have Aucassin and Nicolette, a 13th century French chantefable mentioned this morning by Rory in the Trollope group. The new biography, Mary Poppins She Wrote: The Life of P L Travers by Valerie Lawson awaits me at the library along with The Uses of Enchantment, by Heidi Julavits, which I read about in Publisher's Weekly.
Then there's Philip Roth, the early works of whom I've been reading with a surprising amount of pleasure. Letting Go is next. And Imperium: A Novel of Ancient Rome by Robert Harris, which is due at the library on the 21st and can't be renewed.
I understand your angst. I have a list of books that I want to read NOW, too. Plus I just looked over your blog that has lots of interesting titles that I haven't heard of that I also want to read RIGHT NOW!
Mary, Roth surprised me too. I was prepared to be annoyed, and he can take some annoying turns, but The Human Stain is a masterful work.
When he is writing scenes, using dialog, nobody can touch him.
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