What My Friends Are Reading
Lynne is reading Adam Bede (1859), by George Eliot, or at least she was last time I checked with her. She reads fast.

Sarah is just finishing A History of the World in Six Glasses (©2005) by Tom Standage. She’s about to begin The Crazyladies of Pearl Street (2005), by Trevanian.

Tely is reading a biography of Shakespeare, Will in the World (©2004), by Stephen Greenblatt.

Wilhelm is reading The Merchants of Power: Sam Insull, Thomas Edison, and the Creators of the Modern Metropolis (©2006), by John F Wasik, and The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt’s Darkest Journey (©2005), by Candice Millard.

Sandy’s reading, Kill the Messenger (©2004), by Tami Hoag. Sandy reads a lot of mysteries.
After 100 pages, I've given up on Crazyladies. Just can't get enough interest in it. This morning I began to re-read The Club Dumas by Arturo Perez-Reverte. Yum.
Yes The Bede is finished and zooms up my list of favourite classics.Ongoing and alongside is the Eliot biography and that is a revelation.
This leaves me resoloutely immersed in the 19th century novel so The Doctor's Wife by Mary Elizabeth Braddon will be my salvation. Already started and impressing me so far, a re-read of Madame Bovary is in the offing and but one word from Spokane will find the new Flaubert biography in my basket.
Inbetween I have a biography of Katherine Mansfield to contemplate for another online list so that will just tip me neatly if a little reluctantly into the 20thc.
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