Small World

My interlibrary loan prayer for Susan Hill’s first Simon Serrallier mystery has been answered. I picked up The Various Haunts of Men today at the South Hill Library (no relation) and I’m having a really hard time leaving it alone while I do some necessary chores.
I heard about Susan Hill from my pal dovegreyreader, who talks about SH in her blog and has made me eager to get my hands on some of the Serralier novels. I thought about buying the books from England but the site where they are offered says nothing about the US and I fear the cost of postage would be prohibitive. (I know, I could buy them secondhand, but I try to make a good faith effort to buy new books before resorting to a transaction from which the author earns nothing.)
dovegreyreader sent me to Susan Hill’s blog, which I read pretty regularly these days. I wonder how the woman has time both to blog well and write good books. She must sleep 2 hours a night.
This book is singing to me. Unassuming black cloth cover, no dust jacket, gold print on the spine, ILL sheet wrapped around it warning me to get it back to the library by the 29th of September OR ELSE. The book came to me all the way from the library at The College of William and Mary in Virginia. Small world.
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