What I'm Reading

After that heavy reading I deserve a break, so I picked up the first in Caroline Graham's Inspector Barnaby series, The Killings at Badger’s Drift. Last night Wilhelm and I watched an episode of Midsomer Murders on DVD from Netflix, which is what inspired me to read Graham’s mystery. I have a serious crush on John Nettles.
We are, as Wilhelm has told you, having some work done on our 1923 bungalow and as we discussed with the folks from Integrity Remodeling what we were going to do with the deck in back the suggestion was made that we simply rip it out. A circa-1970 deck on a house like ours just doesn’t do.

So Jason ripped it out and he found beneath a brick patio, probably put there at the time the house was built. What a find! I’ve begun dreaming of the landscaping I’m going to do next spring in our much changed back yard, and to that end I've been reading (well, mostly looking at the pictures in) Outside the Bungalow by Paul Duchscherer and Douglas Keister.
Besides hundreds of pictures of plants and trees, walks and patios, seats and arbors, the book explains what materials were most often used in bungalow gardens and walkways (wood, concrete, and brick) and what plants were popular in early 20th century gardens. There are hundreds of plants listed and organized by zone, sun conditions, soil type, and more.
When I get through having fun with these books I’m going to begin reading the next selection for my trollope group, The Duke'sChildren, and for my not-trollope reading group, Zola’s The Ladies’ Paradise, which is a sort of sequel to Pot Luck.
Mary, I too, am a huge fan of John Nettles. Have you ever seen any of the DVDs of Bergerac a series he made back in the 80s? It was set on Jersey and he looked very slim and beautiful then. I have had a crush on him ever since.
I look forward to discussing Zola with you on the nottrollope list. I have been wallowing in the Jane Eyre on the BBC at the moment. About the best I have seen, though some of the additional dialogue is modern. It really should not work, but it does. Toby Stephens is simply magnificent as Rochester and I have just been watching the Wide Sargasso Sea - the 'prequel' to Jane Eyre. Have just blogged about it tonight as it made quite an impression on me, not a nice one, but still an impression
I had never heard of the Bergerac series. Alas, Netflix doesn't have the DVDs.
You have me frothing about the mouth about this new Jane Eyre, which we in North America must wait for January to see.
Meanwhile, a reading of Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea on the side at not-trollope will be just the ticket.
I am feeling quite stupid, but have to ask. What is a trollope group and a nottrollope group? Do you only read Anthony Trollope's book for the trollope group?
I've belonged for years to a Yahoo online reading group called trollope. You can find us here: http://groups.yahoo.com/
We read Trollope's novels with an occasional related book thrown in. We're going to begin reading the Barchester Chronicles in January if you'd like to join us. (I think Trollope would pass muster as a classic, don't you?)
The not-trollope group is an offshoot of the trollope group. We read whatever strikes our fancy (Zola right now, Mrs Gaskell a while back.) You can find us here: http://groups.yahoo.com/
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